
Sunday, May 31, 2015


It's the end of the school year and spring fever is in full swing!  Students need activities that will get them up and MOVING.  If you can take them outside, all the better!

I have an activity that can be done indoors OR outdoors.  I call it, Kids To Corners.  If you take the activity outdoors, you might want to give it a different name such as People To Posters.

Almost any topic or content area can be used for this activity.  The length of time needed depends on how many problems the students will work through.  10 minutes at one time is the maximum that I would recommend for this.  Then, I might use it again the next day.  The posters that I created for this version of Kids To Corners are for skip counting and counting by ones.  They are for first and second graders.      

Here's how Kids To Corners works in the classroom: 
1.  Use four topic posters.  (The ones that I created are number patterns which involve skip counting and counting by ones.)
2.  Place one poster in each of the four corners of your classroom.
3.  Have the students stand up.
4.  Read a counting sequence.   One example is:  "60, 70, 80, 90".
5.  Students determine the pattern used.  In the example above, it was for counting by tens.  Students move to the appropriate corner which displays the poster.
6.  Repeat the procedure with a new counting sequence.

Here's how People To Posters works outdoors:
1.  Select your outdoor space.
2.  If you are using trees as I did in the photos, make sure that you have strong tape!  Regular tape should work well if you are planning to tape the posters to playground equipment.  It is a good idea to keep the posters at your students' eye level so that they can reread the information.  You could also use a rock or mulch to anchor posters to the ground.
3.  Show the students the locations of each poster.  Make sure they know what counting sequence can be found in every spot.
4.  Read a number pattern.  (If necessary, take a megaphone outside with you!)
5.  Have students find the appropriate poster for the number pattern that you read.
6.  Have the children find and move to that location.
7.  Repeat the procedure with a new counting sequence.

They say that exercise and movement help get our brains working!  Children need to get their bodies moving as they're learning and reviewing important skills that were taught throughout the school year.  They will love the extra exercise time!      

I created this activity to review first and second grade math standards.  To see the specific standards associated with this activity, see the list at the end of this post.  Kids To Corners - Grades 1 & 2 Counting Patterns is available at my Teachers Pay Teachers shop.

The posters included are:

Poster 1:  Counting By Ones
Poster 2:  Counting By Tens
Poster 3:  Counting By Fives
Poster 4:  Counting By Twos
Poster 5:  Counting By Hundreds

If you teach 1st grade, use posters 1-4 to target math standards.  If you teach 2nd grade, use posters 1-3 and poster 5.

In addition to the posters, I am providing you with counting sequences.  There are sheets for first and second grade.  It is a good idea to have counting sequences completed ahead of the activity.  This will allow you to easily reread the sequence if needed.  Here's what the second grade number patterns looks like:

How important are high order thinking skills!  The children need to create their own number patterns in order to take ownership of Kids To Corners.  In the case of the student created counting sequences, it is the CHILDREN have created the patterns that will be used.  It is their application of the skill.  

I have included a template which can be used for the student-created number patterns.  Cut on the broken lines and give each child one strip to complete.  Then, collect the strips and use them in place of the counting patterns that were provided.  Here's what the first grade template looks like:

If you are interested in this activity, click on the image shown below to view it at my Teachers Pay Teachers store:
I live in the state of Virginia.  Therefore I will include both a relevant first grade Virginia standard as well as a link to a second grade Common Core State Standard. 

Common Core State Standards:  

Second Grade Number Operations & Base Ten  - counting and skip counting
Standards for the State of Virginia:

First Grade Number & Number Sense - Math 1.2

Lessons by Molly © 2015  All rights reserved.

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