Sunday, March 16, 2014


If you are teaching first grade with Common Core State Standards then you've probably heard, "Tell and write time to the hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks."  CCSS.MathContent.MD.B.3.

In Virginia, we have almost an identical standard for time with first graders.  It's one of our Standards of Learning.  They must measure time with both analog and digital clocks.  We needed to work on this skill so I thought a fun way to practice would be with a bingo game.   The digital time bingo games worked well because I was able to show the little fellow a time on an analog clock and he had to find the corresponding time in digital form on his Bingo board.

He really liked this game!
I made several "Digital Time Bingo" games. I used a font with a realistic numeric appearance so it would like very similar to the text on a real digital clock.  (I figured there was no point in teaching the skill without it having a realistic representation.) 

This is one of my color digital clock bingo games. 

I made one blank bingo board so he could practice writing digital times to the hour and half hour himself.  It took him a long time to write all the times!  But he is a bit of a neat freak.  He preferred using the boards with the times printed in.

These bingo games work well with both bingo markers, paint daubers, and almost any other small counters you might have in the classroom.

I also made some bingo games with times for fifteen minutes before and fifteen minutes after the hours in preparation of second grade skills.

We are also working on problem solving skills.  I thought I could incorporate problem solving skills with digital time bingo.  When we first practiced digital times, I used the simple calling cards which have the times listed on them.  Later on, I read word problems and he had to figure out which time to cover on his bingo board.  Some of these were hard!   His brain really had to think about it! We needed to sketch out the problems and work through the answers.  To make it even more of a challenge, I threw in a few problems that required multiple steps in order to arrive at the solution. 

An example of a problem WITHOUT multiple steps might look like this:

John has three red cars and five blue cars.  How many cars does John have in all?  (3 + 5 = 8)

An example of a problem WITH multiple steps might look like this:

John has three red cars and five blue cars.  He loses one of his red cars.  A friend gives him two blue cars.  How many cars does John have in all?  (3 + 5 = 8.  8 - 1 = 7.  7 + 2 = 9) 

I showed him times on an analog clock.  He had to find them in digital form.  It was great teaching both analog time and digital time at the same "TIME"!

Here are a few of the calling cards.  The complete set has all the possible times to the hours and half hours.  I cut out the times on the broken lines and placed them in a bag.  Then I drew a card to determine the time I would show on the analog clock. 

Here are a few of the calling cards with word problems.  I put an asterisk beside the word problems with the a greater degree of difficulty.
I made both color and black and white versions of my digital time bingo games.  No color ink?  I've been there!  I've also been fortunate enough to be on the other end . . .  when it's nice to have something colorful to use with the children!  If you are interested in any of my digital time bingo games, click one of the links below to be taken to the product at my Teachers pay Teachers store.

I have six digital time bingo options at my Teachers pay Teachers store.

Here are links to the bundled sets:
DIGITAL CLOCK BINGO - time with 15 minute increments - BLACK INK

DIGITAL CLOCK BINGO - time with 15 minute increments - COLOR INK

Here are links to the games with time to hour and half-hour:
DIGITAL CLOCK BINGO - time to the hours and half hours - BLACK INK
DIGITAL CLOCK BINGO - time to the hours and half hours - COLOR INK

Here are links to the games with time fifteen minutes before and after:

DIGITAL CLOCK BINGO - time to 15 minutes before and after the hours - BLACK INK

DIGITAL CLOCK BINGO - time to 15 minutes before and after the hours - COLOR INK

The alphabet letter art for all of the product covers are licensed by Dancing Crayon Designs,

I can't believe that spring will arrive in just a few days! Well, at least it will be arriving on the calendar if not in "person". This winter seems like a long one! We are slated for another snowstorm later on this evening. Several inches of snowfall are estimated. Maybe this storm will be the last one of the season. I'm hoping for a final cup of hot chocolate and maybe even one more snow day. Who knows, we just might get Wintry Bingo out . . . ONE MORE TIME.

Lessons by Molly © 2014  All rights reserved.

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